CDCE-I, in collaboration with the Positive Youth Engagement Program (PYE), is implementing the YouthMappers project to expand and institutionalize YouthMappers Chapters at four Palestinian private universities. The project targets university students, aiming to build their capacities in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and digital youth-led initiatives. It utilizes open-source platforms such as the ID editor and Kobo Toolbox to map youth-related assets and opportunities across various sectors. This project is implemented by Mercy Corps and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Since the launch of the project in March 2024 until the end of December of the same year, the Community Development and Continuing Education Institute (CDCE-I) has made significant progress in implementing its activities and achieving desired outcomes. Among the most notable achievements is the establishment and institutionalization of three YouthMappers Chapters in partner universities, with the fourth Chapter currently in \
progress at another university. Each Chapter comprises 25-30 students, both male and female, from each university.
A supervisor and an intern were appointed to oversee Chapter activities in each university. They maintain close ties with the career centers in partner universities, where project outcomes will eventually be localized and institutionalized to ensure sustainability. Chapter members’ capacities were enhanced through specialized technical training, and their ongoing projects and initiatives were aligned with promising economic sectors in each targeted governorate. This approach aims to contribute to local economic development and prepare students for the labor market by equipping them with essential skills.
The project also delivered a series of specialized workshops, benefiting a broader group of students from the targeted universities. A total of 646 young males and females, including 417 females and 229 males, participated in various project activities.
This progress reflects a strong collective commitment to empowering and motivating youth through education, innovation, and the development of technical skills, to shape future leaders.
The project fosters collaboration, leadership, and capacity building through specialized technological workshops that address key topics such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and digital marketing, as well as workshops on career guidance. Participants had opportunities to engage in practical sessions and shared learning experiences, comprehensively enhancing their technical skills and professional competencies.
At the core of the project’s success is the strategic relationship and the unwavering dedication of the Career Centers at the four universities. These centers played a crucial role in identifying relevant workshop topics, recruiting participants, and supporting the institutionalization of YouthMappers chapters. By collaborating closely with students, facilitators, and stakeholders, they have ensured both the immediate impact and long-term sustainability of the initiative, contributing to the continued growth and future development of the chapters.
As the chapters expand, the YouthMappers project is shaping a new generation of leaders, ready to make meaningful contributions to their communities and beyond.
This project reflects the shared vision of CDCE-I, PYE, Mercy Corps, and USAID to foster innovation, collaboration, and resilience among youth in Palestine.
#Community Development and Continuing Education Institute (CDCE-I)